Office Date Page 8
“Better?” he asks, still holding my hands in his.
I look into his eyes, and I lie. “No, they still hurt.”
“Then, I guess I’ll keep holding them,” he whispers. “Good job, Ivy.”
“You too, Jack.”
Things are perfect; I’m so happy I almost don’t register the fear on Jack’s face as a stone figure’s shoved toward us with flashing lights and fire.
Olmec’s voice sounds from the loudspeakers, except it’s Max’s; we’d have to be idiots not to notice that.
I squeeze Jack’s hand as we face our next challenge.
“Teams!” Max, aka Olmec, yells. “Approach my temple!”
“Don’t shit your pants,” I whisper yell.
Jack’s eyes are wide with fear. “No promises.”
“Yeah, seriously,” he adds. “He has free space in my nightmares, so I’m sorry I’m having a nervous breakdown right now!”
“I’ll give you a BJ!” I shout.
Anderson and Jude both stutter step and look over at us with their partners. I just shrug because…
“What?” Jack does a double take. “Did you just say?”
We’re still walking toward Jack’s doom. “I’ll give you a BJ; just keep it cool.”
He suddenly straightens toward me. Wow, is that all it took?
He takes a deep breath. “I want two.”
“Son of a bitch, Jack!”
“Two BJ’s.”
“One BJ, and I’ll let you grab my boobs for ten minutes.”
Anderson’s jaw drops.
Jude looks ready to switch teams.
“Never offered me that,” Jude says under his breath to his partner.
“One BJ,” Jack says, taking another step. “Ten minutes of tit time, and I want to go down on you.”
I stumble.
Jude’s partner hits him.
Anderson curses.
And I laugh. “Is that a reward?”
Jack turns to me and winks. “Yeah, it really is.”
What can a girl say?
I do want to be a good partner. “Deal.”
“Damn,” Jack whispers. “I do love participation trophies.”
Chapter Thirteen
“It’s not technically illegal,” Max says. Most of the board members seem pissed that Ivy’s trying to lure her partner through sex. “They did have a fling once, and clearly, they like each other. I say whatever goes at this point!”
One of the men slams more money onto the table. “She’s weaponizing him!”
“She’s incredible,” another says, voice full of awe. “Besides, didn’t she spend the night with him last night?”
Max sighs. “According to Dustin, they were late because they were together this morning, but any sort of details were left out because we’re still working on details, aren’t we Dustin?”
Dustin makes a noise in the back of his throat and shuffles his feet, then looks away.
“Did you just growl at me, you heathen?” Max asks.
Dustin shakes his head. “Sorry, I think I’m catching a cold.” He clears his throat six more times before making the same noise once more and then examining his fingernails.
“Never hire family,” Max says under his breath. “And again, we have no details. Simply pay attention to the game and place your bets on the game board, ladies and gentleman.”
Everyone stares at the screen and then down at the game board on the conference table.
Markers are picked.
Bets are placed.
And everything is right in Max’s world as he stares out at the incredible game he has prepared for the littles.
“A lot’s riding on this for the remaining teams,” Dustin pipes up again. “You sure you want to make it more difficult on them just because you think you’re some sort of wizardly matchmaker? I mean, it was pure luck last time with the interns. I doubt it’s going to happen again.”
Max taps his fingers against his chin in deep thought. “But if it could, wouldn’t that be worth it? Besides, this time it’s not the girl that’s terrified; it’s the guy that’s been acting tough this entire time and just wants to win. Let’s see if we can’t add more red to Olmec’s eyes. He does shoot fire, correct?”
Dustin pauses. “You want him to shoot fire? At people?”
“No, no, no,” Max says with laughter. “That would be crazy.” Everyone pauses around the table. “I just meant, as a scare tactic, you know? Like… spiders.”
“Spiders?” Dustin frowns. “Are we adding spiders now?”
“Do we have spiders?” Max asks.
Dustin sighs heavily. “I believe there’s a spider shortage.”
“That’s a thing?”
“It is now.”
Dustin moves around the table. “Why don’t we just do the whole fire thing as a scare tactic and call it a day?”
“Spoilsport,” Max grumbles, then pounds his fist onto the table. “I’ve got it!”
“Oh good, the evil genius showed up today,” Dustin mumbles.
Swear on all that’s holy, Max turns to Dustin and goes, “I’m always an evil genius.”
“Pray for America,” someone mumbles.
“Heard that.” Max grabs the remote to Olmec and grins. “This is going to be the best day of our lives.”
Dustin just shakes his head and sighs. “And if they don’t perform the way you want them to?”
“Still a game,” Max answers, “Still fun for the board of directors, and in the end, someone still wins, so why worry?”
“Oh, you know.” Dustin crosses his arms. “Lawsuits. Prison. Those things.”
Max waits a minute, then whispers, “I own the law.”
Everyone looks around the table as Dustin whispers, “Well, that’s comforting.”
“LET THE GAMES BEGIN!” Max shouts as he’s given access to a giant red buzzer that nobody with an IQ like Max should be given access to.
Board members would always remember how Dustin, under his breath, cursed.
Chapter Fourteen
So, despite the promise of being able to sink my mouth between my partner’s thighs once we’re done in the temple of doom and death—I still want to shit my pants as we approach Olmec.
I can’t decide if it’s my childhood fear.
Or the fact that it’s Max’s voice coming out of said childhood fear. All I know is that I’m squeezing Ivy’s hand so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if you couldn’t find my DNA on every inch of her skin.
Olmec’s eyes are red like fire.
And then, as if the stupid rock god thing can read my mind, actual fire shoots out of his eyes. I stumble back and try not to fall into the water. That has to be a lost point, right? If I fall into the water I just escaped from.
“You’ve got this.” Ivy grips my arm harder. “Just focus.”
“Focus?” I repeat. “Focus?” I can’t stop saying focus. “On what? His devil eyes or the fires of hell? I mean, seriously? Help me out here!”
“Look at his tiny hands!” she shouts.
A loud noise erupts like a volcano from Olmec’s head. “Tiny hands?”
“Think he heard me?” Ivy whispers.
I just shake my head and then lower it. “This is how we die, and yes, Ivy. Yes, I think he fucking heard you.”
“I was quiet!”
“TINY HANDS!” Olmec shouts again. This time it’s Ivy jumping closer to me, holding on to me, and it’s me being a bit arrogant as the rest of the two remaining groups look over at us like they don’t know what to do. Meanwhile, I’m holding a promised BJ, sooooo I can’t be mad but also still gonna shit my pants.
It’s really the weirdest day.
A conundrum, if you will.
Anderson starts grabbing at his partner. Meanwhile, she’s backing up and trying to get away from the scary statue. I want to yell same girl, same, but I’m too distracted by the perfect person on my left.
Max, or rather, Olmec-Max shouts again; more fire comes, lava follows, and yet again, my brain reminds me that this means death. The lava has to be fake, but it has the correct approach, as Anderson’s partner grabs onto him and then falls backward into the water.
They both splash into it.
A gong sounds, and they’re suddenly escorted out by the temple guards in full garb. Grass skirts, scary face paint, pointy objects. “Is there no end to this nightmare?”
“Focus!” Ivy hisses.
“Did I say that out loud?”
“You’re shaking.” She grits her teeth and grabs me by the chin. “Look at me. Not at Olmec, but me. You’ve got this. We’ve got this; we have three teams left—” Another splash sounds. “Two teams, I mean two teams, and we can—” Another splash happens. “What the hell is happening, oh—” She grips my chin harder. “Do. Not. Look.”
“That’s what people say when you have a spider on you, and they’re trying to grab it!” I yell. “That’s the worst thing to say to someone, and I don’t even mind spiders. What the hell do you mean don’t look!”
“Close your eyes!”
“…Remaining teams, you will now go through the Temple of Knowledge!” Olmec’s voice booms over the loudspeaker as I start to sweat and squeeze my eyes shut. “You’ll need to trust your partner implicitly in this challenge as they will be guiding you up each step. You will both be blindfolded.”
“Oh, thank God,” Ivy whispers.
“Why? Why are we thanking God? Why are my eyes closed?” Look, I want to be a man; I don’t want to be frantic, but what the ever-loving hell am I doing right now?
She elbows me.
I should expect this.
I will have forever bruising.
I hang my head as a blindfold’s put around me, and then Ivy and I are tied to each other by our wrists.
Is it horrible that, while being completely terrified, I’m still like, cool, kinky, can we take them home?
Son of a bitch, I need help.,
“And now!” Olmec announces. “Each remaining team will be given two Questions of Knowledge in order to grab your medallions from the temple. Answer correctly, and you can move up the steps, answer wrong, and you’ll be taken to the pit of doom.”
I gulp. “Do we want to know what the—”
“Nope,” Ivy interrupts. “Just focus. You did good in history class, right?”
History. History. History. Ivy always had her hair pulled back in high school. It was a bit lighter then, and I remember wondering what it would be like to pull it tight and kiss down her neck and—
“So good at history,” I answer. “Like a pro. Aced it.” Really, just aced studying her, but how hard can it be, right?
I gulp and wait.
“Silver Snakes!” Olmec-Max announces. “Your first question!”
Fucking Blue Barracudas. I’m already mad, and they haven’t even been asked anything yet.
We’re destroying them. We have to. I have a BJ on the line. I mean, also a job promotion, money; wait, why is that coming second?
Hah, coming second.
Fuck, my focus is shit!
I nod my head way too much and hold Ivy’s hand. “Were, um, you good at history? Just asking in case my brain explodes from visions of my CEO as Olmec.”
“Shit, serious?”
She laughs. “I like it when you’re afraid.”
Despite the total fear, I smile and whisper, “I like it when you’re brave.”
Her steps falter. I hold onto her and slowly walk up to whatever doom we’re about to face and wait.
“What are,” Olmec-Max starts, “the seven wonders of the ancient world?”
Panic sets in.
“Both partners,” he says. “Get a chance to answer. If you have one wrong answer you’ll be sent back down the stairs toward the pit of doom where, sadly, the rest of your teammates, except one, have all fallen into.”
“Is there beer there?” I laugh.
Ivy elbows again in that same rib. “Not the time.”
“Sorry, I make bad jokes when I’m nervous.”
“They actually don’t serve beer in Hell,” Olmec says like he has legit pit of doom knowledge. “They do have filtered water though, you know, because of the heat and dehydration’s a bitch. Anyway!” He cackles, which is almost scarier than him serving water in hell. “You have sixty seconds until the next team takes over. Good luck. May the odds ever be in your favor!”
“We go from Squid Games to Hunger Games?” Ivy mutters. “What is this?”
“Corporate America,” I say bitterly. “Corporate America.”
“In three, two, one!” Olmec announces.
“Um, there’s, um, there’s the Hanging Gardens of Babylon!” I shout and hear a ding. “The Great Pyramid of Giza?”
And literally, that’s all I can remember.
“Um…” Ivy clings to me hard. “Okay, let me think.”
“Forty-five seconds left,” Olmec announces.
I sigh. “We can do this. Just think…”
I think back to history class and panic.
“Breathe,” Ivy says. “Focus, I think the Colosseum is one of them too?”
Another ding sounds.
We have four left and are running out of time.
I take a deep breath again.
I know we can do this; it’s just the pressure.
“Do you really want to go into the pit of doom?” she asks under her breath. “There are temple soldiers there and little tiny Olmecs just ready to devour you whole!”
“Colossus of Rhodes!” I shout. “The Lighthouse, the um, Lighthouse of Alexandria!” More dings. “The temple! Temple of Art—er, Artemis! The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, and… and…”
Ten seconds are left. I can hear the countdown from everyone around me, but I’ve got nothing, absolutely nothing; all I keep thinking is a stupid Roman road because, yay engineering, you guys killed it.
“Mausoleum!” Ivy shouts. “The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus!”
Stunned, my mouth drops open. “Are you serious? How did you know that?”
“Oh.” She sounds out of breath. “I was a history major.”
“THE HELL!” I roar. “I almost died!”
“I saved you!” she yells back. “Plus, wasn’t it invigorating? Don’t you feel more alive? Less dead? Less afraid of Olmec!”
A loud rumble occurs around the set. “You may proceed five steps!”
Olmec still sounds creepy, but I’m so freaked out about the stupid pit of doom I’m happy to walk right toward him.
“That was manipulative,” I say.
“And we still won.” She laughs.
“If you elbow me again, I swear—“
This time I feel a kiss on my cheek. “Sorry, missed your mouth; maybe next time.”
I grunt. “You missed more than my mouth.”
“And yet you still owe me.”
“And you”—she rubs up against me—“owe me… right?”
I groan out loud. “I would so much prefer burying my face between your—”
“Silver Snakes!”
“Sir, yes sir!” I shout.
Ivy bursts out laughing.
“It appears your competition”—fucking Anderson—“have also made it up five steps. In order for each of you to make it to the Temple Run, you have to answer one more question. If the great Olmec deems it honest and wise, you may proceed and gather your three medallions in the final stage. But remember, this isn’t just physical. We promised this would be your second to last test, but for fun”—Oh yeah, sure, fun—“we’re combining
both mental and physical. Are you ready for your questions?”
No. Shit. “Yes,” I say.
Ivy copies it, and stupid Anderson says the same along with Stacey and Britney—God, I hate Britney.
I swear I’m sweating harder.
“Jack.” Olmec saying my name causes actual chills. I stand as close to Ivy as possible. “You have two choices. You may either earn this internship and walk right through the temple and gather your tokens, or…” He pauses dramatically. “You can do it as a team, knowing you’ll potentially lose everything, but lose together. What’s your choice?”
Ivy’s breath hitches.
I slowly start to pull away from her.
She stiffens.
“And what happens to my partner?” I ask.
“Well, if they let you go,” Olmec says, “then they can still have a chance on their own during the temple run to win, but it will be without you. So, what will you choose? And Anderson same goes for you and Stacey. What is your choice?”
I hear a commotion and then the sound of thunder.
“It seems both Anderson and Stacey have chosen to go on their own. Anderson, you’ll be escorted to corporate, Stacey, you’ll have to battle the temple guards on your own, but you’ll earn an extra ten thousand dollars for each medallion you gather.”
Whoops of excitement come up from the contestants who have already lost, and that’s when I feel it.
The temple guards.
Is that what Ivy was warning me about?
They’re all around us. I can feel their breaths.
Oh, God.
I want so badly to run through that temple straight to corporate. Maybe the me from a few days ago would have.
I sigh deeply and mumble. “I hate you.”
“What was that?” Olmec says.
“I’ll go through,” I say, “with my partner. We’re ride or die like that.”
Ivy softens next to me. “But you’re scared.”
“But I have you,” I say right back. “And if I die, you’re kind of like attached to me, so we’ll go down together, a lot more cheerful that way.”
I think she’s going to elbow me, but instead, she leans her head on my shoulder and then straightens. “Let’s win this bitch.”
“Bitch is already won.” I laugh.
The ground rumbles again beneath us, and the sound of things falling fills the air as our blindfolds are pulled from our faces.