Ember Read online

Page 19

  I blinked up at him, still a bit confused.

  Until he left and returned with a needle amongst other… things.

  “Wait.” I wrapped the sheet tighter around me. “What do you think we’re going to do? Play doctor?”

  Phoenix paused then pulled out a needle. “We’re not playing anything. I’m going to draw your blood.”


  “Just sit still and think about…” He lifted his eyes heavenward. “Birds.”

  “Really? That’s what you’re going to go with? After last night?”

  “Yeah, well…” He fumbled with the needle and pulled a ripped a piece of fabric from his shirt. “…forgive me if I’m not entirely focused this morning.”

  “Says the guy about to put a needle in my ass!”

  “Don’t be dramatic, Bee.” His smile was blinding. “I’m going to put it in your arm.”

  “You and that sharp thing get anywhere near me, and I kick you in the balls,” I seethed.

  He rolled his eyes and sat on the bed. “I need to know you’re okay…”

  “Take your own blood!”

  “I will,” he said in a confident tone, “after I take yours.”

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t. Give me your arm.”

  “No.” I hid it under the blankets. I’d never actually had any shots since I’d met Phoenix, at least that I could remember, and now I’d had two. I cringed. He knew how I felt about blood — it stayed in the body, not out.

  “How about a negotiation?” He put the needle down and grabbed my hands. “Would that work?”

  My eyes narrowed. “What type of negotiation?”

  “I read to you… and actually let you stay in my room without all the yelling and shit talking… and you let me take your blood.”

  I chewed my lower lip in thought. “I’m going to raise that to eating a full breakfast this morning, and you have yourself a deal. Just do me a favor and keep the red stuff in.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s the general idea when you’re drawing someone’s blood, Bee.”

  “Are you certified to do this?”

  “Hell, no.” He shrugged. “But I’m good at it, I promise.”

  With a sigh, I held out my arm. He wrapped the piece of cloth freakishly tight around my bicep and then pulled out the stupid needle again. I closed my eyes.

  “Hey,” he whispered. “Keep them open. Focus on me, alright, Bee?”

  “Right.” I said through trembling lips. “Focus on… happy things?”

  “Butterflies?” He offered, wiping my arm with something cold. “Turtles crossing the road?”

  “Frogs,” I blurted.

  He chuckled. “Alright, frogs.”

  “And beasts.”

  The needled hovered above my arm. “I hope you mean the good kind, the kind that stay in cages.”

  “I don’t know,” I whispered. “I kind of liked letting it out of the cage last night.”


  I grinned. “Yes, it.”

  “Am I the it?” His eyes narrowed.

  I let out a laugh just as the needle pierced my skin.

  I flinched but managed not to fall into a heap onto the floor while he pulled what looked like my entire blood supply into five separate vials.

  “Almost done.” He fastened one more on the end. It filled, he pulled it off, and then the needle was gone. Pressure from his hand replaced the sting.

  “That hurt.” I pouted.

  “Don’t be a baby.”

  “Well, don’t prick me with things!”

  He smirked, his eyes hooded with desire. “Didn’t mind it a few hours ago when I—”

  “Phoenix De Lange!” I shouted my surprise. “Are you making sex jokes?”

  His face went completely blank, and then he laughed. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  “I like you this way.” I shrugged. “Laughing.”

  “Me too.” The smile fell from his face.

  The front door slammed. We shared a brief look before Phoenix tucked the blood he’d collected into a small pouch and then ran out of my room.

  Directly into Sergio.

  “What the hell are you doing in her room?” he roared.

  “Keep talking.” Phoenix seethed, his eyes narrowing. “I’m really going to enjoy this.” With a roar, he slammed Sergio against the wall and punched him in the face.

  Sergio didn’t have time to fight back. He slumped to the carpet, holding his cheek. “Damn it! Why did you hit me?”

  “You bailed.”

  “My transmitter broke.”

  “Bullshit!” Phoenix kicked him in the leg. “You can’t lie to me!”

  “Yeah, well, believe it. I have proof, and then I was doing recon last night, trying to find your stupid-as-shit right-hand man. I know where he’s at, by the way. You can thank me later.”

  “No ulterior motive? Hmm, Sergio?”

  His expression was blank as he glanced up at Phoenix. “Would I betray family?”

  The room was thick with tension.

  I had no idea what the heck was going on, but I didn’t have time to try to psychoanalyze why Phoenix had just lost his mind at seeing Sergio, and why it was such a big deal. My text alert went off.

  Big Bro Crappo: Breakfast in fifteen. Get your asses over here, bring Phoenix, and if the prodigal has returned, make sure he’s wearing a bulletproof vest.

  “Aw,” I said aloud. “That was a cheerful morning text. Think he’ll have fresh orange juice?”

  I tossed my phone to Phoenix; he read it with a sneer then shoved it into Sergio’s face.

  “Judgment day.” He tossed the phone back to me. “Apparently, Tex is going to be too focused on killing you to even touch me today.”

  “You’re welcome,” Sergio grumbled as he struggled to get to his feet.

  “I don’t recall saying thank you.”

  “You will.” Sergio’s eyes took in my state of undress, and then he glanced back at Phoenix. “Shit yeah…” He groaned. “You really will.”


  Death by family dinner — of course.


  IF BEE KEPT GRAZING my hand with hers, I was going to lose my shit. I’d spent so long not touching her, focusing on anything but the way she made me feel, but now? Now it was absolute torture. Her touch calmed me in a way I’d never before experienced.

  It also made me want to lock her back in her bedroom.

  Which was such a positive and happy realization that I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face when we reached Tex’s house.

  “Yeah, I’d stop that shit right now,” Sergio muttered under his breath, “before he breaks your hand.”

  “Stop what?” Bee said innocently, tilting her head to the side, her knee sliding against mine.

  Sergio barked out a laugh. “You know exactly what you’re doing, Bee. Be careful. Tex doesn’t need any more reasons to rearrange Phoenix’s face.”

  She pouted. “But it’s such a nice face.”

  I chuckled while Sergio rolled his eyes and got out of the car.

  Bee reached for my hand as we walked toward the doors. I jerked away and glared.

  She grinned.

  Okay, so maybe breakfast was going to be hell on earth, but how bad could she really make it?

  The door opened.

  And as expected, Tex came barreling out, and punched Sergio in the face. He fell to the ground for a second time that morning and cursed. Blood poured from his nose.

  “Huh.” Tex scratched his head. “You already hit him?” He directed the question at me.

  I shrugged. “Figured you’d want me to.”

  “Nice.” Tex snickered. “Twice in the same hour.” He kicked Sergio in the shin. “Next time, you call. I don’t care if you’re in deep with Russian drug lords, you call within twenty-four hours, or I order a hit on you. You aren’t my family. Hell, you sneeze north when I ask you to cough left, and I’m ending your lif
e. This shit stops now.” His eyes found mine. “We gotta get a lockdown on the families before we lose control again, and it’s on me, not you guys, if things get screwed up.”

  I nodded my agreement while Sergio moaned from the ground.

  I helped Bee step over his body and walked her into the house where the rest of the guys were already sitting around the table.

  My stomach growled at the smells — bacon, eggs, ham — everything smelled too good to be true, like I’d been walking around without any of my senses and now… I just wanted to devour it all.

  “Bet you’re happy I’m forcing you to eat breakfast, huh, Phoenix?” Bee whispered in my ear.

  Nixon watched the entire exchange and bit down on his lip ring then took a long sip of coffee. Yeah, nothing escaped his notice.

  Meaning, we were more than likely going to have a heart-to-heart later that day, during which he would threaten me within an inch of my life if I hurt Bee.

  For now though, he was going to act like he didn’t notice the way my entire body sang in her presence or the way she huddled next to me like I was the very air she breathed.

  “Okay!” Mil clapped her hands. “Time to eat!”

  Trace and Mo carried hot plates of food over to the table and set them out in the middle with the orange juice. Steam rolled off each of them.

  I closed my eyes and unfortunately let out a little groan.

  The table went absolutely still.


  Trace was the first to talk. “Someone feed him before he starts drooling.”

  Heat stormed across my face. Holy shit, since when did I blush?

  Chase’s mouth dropped open, and then his eyes narrowed as he looked between me and Bee.

  Nixon elbowed him in the side just as he was about to take a sip of coffee. Steaming, dark liquid sloshed over the side of the cup and cascaded down Chase’s hand. He jerked, splashing even more.

  “Damn it, Nixon!”

  “Slipped.” Nixon shrugged, winking in my direction.

  “My ass.” Chase elbowed him back and reached for the bacon, just as Tex sauntered into the room with Sergio, who looked even worse than when I’d last seen him.

  While Sergio slithered into an empty seat, Tex plopped at the head of the table.

  “Family breakfast.” Tex rubbed his hands together. “Aren’t they the best?”

  “Sorry I’m late.” Frank strolled in seconds later. “Traffic.”

  “It’s okay, Grandpa.” Trace rose from her seat and kissed his cheek.

  Grandpa seemed way too tame a word to call Frank, assassin extraordinaire. The man had practically invented five new ways to torture people, but sure, now he looked normal.

  He was wearing a sweater vest.

  A freaking sweater vest.

  Talking and laughter erupted around the table. I reached for a piece of bacon just as Bee’s hand skimmed my thigh.

  I hissed, dropping the bacon onto the plate.

  “Hot?” Tex asked, tilting his head.

  “Scorching,” I said through clenched teeth, praying Bee would remove her hand before I did something we’d both regret.

  “Here, let me help ya, big guy.” Chase grinned like a fool and tossed some bacon onto my plate, while Nixon chuckled behind his coffee.

  I was going to strangle them both.

  “So, Bee.” Chase leaned forward, his eyes dancing with humor. Shit, this wasn’t going to go well. “How’d you sleep last night? Tex said you were pretty freaked, since dipshit didn’t come home until this morning.”

  “Nice,” Sergio muttered through a tissue-stuffed nose.

  Bee’s cheeks pinked as she took a bite of sausage. I refused to focus in on her lips because looking would mean daydreaming, and that would most likely gain me a broken penis, compliments of Tex’s hands or possibly his favorite machete.

  “Actually…” She sighed. “…I didn’t sleep all that great.”

  “Because of the thunder,” Chase prompted.

  Mil’s eyes narrowed in on her husband then back at me. I stared at my damn plate like it held the secret to world peace.

  “No,” Bee said cheerfully, “I mean the thunder was bad, and then Phoenix came home and… I was fine.”

  “Ah, big bad Phoenix, so mean he can scare the storms away.”

  “Something like that,” I said through clenched teeth.

  Thankfully, Nixon started firing questions to Sergio across the table. Where had he been? What had he found out? Why the hell hadn’t he called?

  I should be paying attention.

  As boss, it was my job to pay attention.

  But Bee’s hand inched up my thigh.

  My knees jerked beneath the table, slamming loudly against the underside.

  It shook. My orange juice damn near fell over before I rescued it.

  “Dude…” Chase’s cocky grin was going to end up on a milk carton if he kept it up. “…you okay?”

  “Great.” I swallowed, forcing another smile. “Just jumpy.”

  Bee’s hand inched closer to where I absolutely did not need it to inch.

  Every muscle froze and strained all at once.

  Her first touch was tentative.

  I let out a hoarse groan and hung my head in my hands. Well, Tex was going to kill me. Absolutely kill me.

  “Bee!” Tex barked.

  She jerked her hand back. Thank God.

  “I’m sorry I left you last night, but I figured you were safe. We have cameras everywhere — hell, they’re in every room — so it’s not like I didn’t know you were fine.”

  Horrified, I glanced back at Nixon.

  He nodded his head once and then elbowed Chase, who winked and then stared into his coffee.

  I wasn’t sure whether I should be thankful or kill them for seeing her naked; then again, they were both happily married.

  And I was screwing the Cappo’s sister.

  Wow, good one, Phoenix. Apparently, when I go bad, I go all the way. I don’t just play with danger and put it back on the shelf. I keep it all to myself and hope it doesn’t explode in my face.

  Bee’s hand was back.

  Speaking of explosions… Son of a bitch, she was trying to kill me! I breathed in and out, focusing on that instead of what her hand was doing to me and what her brother would do to me if he found out.

  “This is nice.” Mo set down her coffee. “All of us having breakfast. We should do this more often.”

  Nobody said anything.

  “I said—” She glared. “—we should do this more often.”

  A chorus of absolutelys erupted from the table. Mine, however, sounded more like a tortured whimper.

  “Are you sweating?” Tex asked from his side of the table.

  “Who?” Mo glanced around, her eyes finally finding mine.

  “Shithead.” He pointed at my face. “You look like you’re going to be sick.”

  “Yeah…” I coughed. “The bacon…”

  “He eats green,” Sergio mumbled and then ran his tongue over the blood drying against his lips. “The only way he eats real food is if Bee tricks him.”

  “Is that so?” Tex chuckled. “Bested by my little sister?”

  Her fingers dipped into the waistband of my jeans.

  I stilled. “Yeah, she’s… talented.”

  Her fingers went lower.

  “I bet.” Sergio’s eyes narrowed.

  “I didn’t say you could talk.” Tex spat at Sergio and sent a loving glance toward Bee. “I’m glad you’re okay, sis. Promise you slept alright? No bad dreams?”

  “Birds,” she said in such a sweet voice I nearly choked. “I dreamt of birds… lots and lots of—”

  “Birds.” I interrupted. “We get it.”

  “Good to know he’s still being an ass to you.” Tex chuckled into his coffee.

  “Phoenix is always hard on me.” Bee’s fingers tickled my sensitive skin. “Demanding.” More tickling, deeper. “Forceful…” Her palm pressed against my hip.
“And hard to please.”

  Slowly, I turned to Nixon, shooting him a look of pure helplessness.

  He smirked then stood. “So, we should probably get down to business. Ladies, if you’ll excuse us.”

  “Hey!” Mil shouted. “I’m a lady.”

  “With balls,” Chase clarified. “Therefore, you stay.”

  “Why does Chase get to stay?” She glared at him and stuck out her tongue.

  “Love you too, sweetheart,” he sang, leaning back in his seat.

  “Bee…” Nixon’s eyes fell to her. “…why don’t you help Trace and Mo with the dishes? It will keep you out of trouble.” His eyebrow arched.

  Smiling, she removed her hand and stood, as if she hadn’t just been trying to kill me. “If you say so.” She grabbed a few plates then bounced out of the room.

  With a sigh, I leaned back and mouthed “Thank you” to Nixon.

  Chase caught them and about fell out of his chair, laughing.

  “What?” Tex coughed from his end of the table. “What’s so funny?”

  “Life.” Chase answered. “Gets me every time.”

  I flipped him off behind Frank’s chair.


  Lying about my feelings… bad sign?


  “SO…” TRACE HANDED ME a clean plate. I dried it and tried not to think about Phoenix — about his hands, his mouth, any part of his body that I wanted to touch. “Even after everything… you still aren’t afraid of him?”

  “Who?” I put the plate down. “Tex?”

  Mo let out a snort. “Please, he’s as tame as a housecat.”

  In the living room, Tex’s voice rose another octave, this time in Italian. Pretty sure Sergio’s name was on the other end of an insane amount of expletives.

  She winced.

  “Yeah, I bet he coughs up hairballs on a daily basis.” My eyebrows arched as I reached for another plate.


  The plate almost fell out of my hands.

  Trace’s eyes narrowed. She put her hands on her hips. “What’s going on between you two?”

  “Um…” I swallowed and continued drying the plate. “…nothing.”


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