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- Rachel Van Dyken
Office Date Page 10
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Page 10
She slaps me again; not gonna lie, I kind of like it. “Whyyyyyy though, why is that your thing? Can’t blow jobs be your thing.”
Her eyes narrow. “Are you saying they aren’t?”
Oh shit. “No, no, that’s not what I meant; I just meant hey, instead of slapping utilize that aggression into something that will turn us both on rather than make me want to tense up.”
“Do blow jobs not tense you up?”
“Is this a trick question?”
She leans up and kisses me. “Dunno; what do you think?”
“I think,” I kiss her again, deepening it. The feel of her hot mouth on mine is so addicting I have trouble finding words. “I think,” I repeat, “I would be okay just kissing you for the rest of my life.”
She jerks my head down, and our teeth nearly hit as her tongue shoves into my mouth, and then I’m gone, so gone; I just want to be here with her in this moment, throw all the past away.
I want to be with my partner.
“Get inside me,” she demands breathlessly.
“That’s a really sexy thing to say when I’m sitting here trying to decide how to do this without making things awkward.”
She rolls down my briefs and grips me. “It’s only awkward if you leave me hanging.”
Her grip is rough, almost too rough. Fuck, I love it. I roll my hips into her palm and then slap her hand away and slam into her. Roughly yes, without any preparation, also yes, but she’s fucking wet it doesn’t matter, and I’m so hard I’m petrified I’m going to last like one point two seconds.
She’s pinned beneath me, and I love it. I love that she’s wrapping her legs around me, that she’s sucking me in, making me hers.
“Keep doing that,” I rasp. “Please, oh God, please, that’s— You’re so tight, you feel so hot.” Emotions whirl with the physical act of what’s happening like I know that this is it, but I’m terrified to say something. I keep moving, she keeps pulling, and my thrusts get more intense.
“Jack, please, please!” she begs, and I know what it’s for, but I want this to last longer.
Then again, it’s not about me.
I angle a bit differently and move my hand between her thighs, working her manually as I thrust. She comes apart all over my fingers with me inside. And it sparks my own release. We’re a mess together. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so spent.
I think she’s about to say something super sweet when she looks up at me, smiles, and says, “Get rid of that damn stapler.” Then she slaps me in the stomach.
Yay, another slap.
Okay, now I kind of like it.
“Never,” I growl against her neck. “Now, let’s go shower, clean up, burn the shirts, and do this again.”
“So, you really found them in your dorm senior year just going at it sixty-nine style?” I ask once in bed. I’m laughing because what the hell is wrong with this guy? I mean, seriously.
Ivy moves closer to me, throwing a leg over my body. “Yeah, and he was the one that was all like, missionary all the time, making me feel dumb for wanting more. Meanwhile, he’s eating… yeah well, let’s just not go there; we’re no longer friends, and I think they got married.”
“Good,” I snap. “Because that means you’re here. And mine.”
I stare down at her gorgeously naked body and wonder what sort of blunt head trauma that idiot went through to not want to explore every corner of her body. Then I realize some guys, yes at times, ahem, me included, are just idiots, giant dicks, and have no clue how to treat a woman.
Smirking, I lean down and bite at her collarbone lightly and whisper against her skin. “Get on your knees.”
“I’m not giving you another blow job.” She huffs and crosses her arms as if she’s offended when I know she loved every minute of it just like I did. I grab her by the hips, then flip her onto her stomach and say it again, this time with a light tap on her ass. “I wasn’t talking about a blow job, but your offer is much appreciated; now, let me fuck you into this mattress like we’re breaking up.”
She peers over her shoulder, her hair causing a curtain across half her face. “When did we start dating?”
“When we won Legends of the Hidden Temple and Olmec didn’t murder us, and you offered sex. It was the most romantic and terrifying moment of my life. One day we’ll tell our grandchildren how we made it past the pit of doom and lived fuckily ever after while I did naughty things to grandma with a Nickelodeon medallion sliding between our bodies… ‘there, oh right there, Jack, give it to me grandpa style—’”
She giggles. “Too far, you lost me at grandpa style.”
“Weird, I thought it would be at the medallion part, dirty girl.”
“Okay, Silver Snake…” She bursts out laughing while I slap her hard on the ass; it only makes her laugh harder. “I’m going to start strategically putting that shirt around the apartment just to give you nightmares.”
“Oh, weird, when did we move in together?”
She slowly arches her body back toward me, giving me an excellent view of a curvy ass and legs for days. “When you asked me to get on my knees.”
“Don’t recall asking; it was more telling.”
Her back arches.
And my Silver Snake does indeed appreciate it. I grip her thighs hard and pull her back into my lap. “Bet he never did this.”
“Let me sit on him?” She shivers as I run my hands up and down her arms.
I grab a handful of hair and pull her face back, kissing down her neck before shoving her back onto the mattress and thrusting inside her with one smooth movement. “Any questions?”
“Zero.” Her hands grip the pillows. “No questions, none, just lots of; how do you feel so good?”
“Silver Snake baby, Silver Snake.”
“Go team.” She laughs as I sink into her from behind. I grip her shoulders and tug her back onto me. I’m so deep I see stars. She wiggles her ass like she wants me to go deeper, but I’m like seconds away from losing it.
Chapter Seventeen
I wake up to Jack wrapped all around me; I love it. I love that we have the next week off and can just spend time getting to know each other after the chaos of the internships.
He’s still snoring when the doorbell rings.
Frowning, I quickly get up and go to the door, snatching up a discarded sweatshirt and his briefs because, meh, why not? I have no choice!
I run over and slowly open the door.
Then nearly pass out.
It’s him.
It’s Connor.
My ex-fiancé.
He’s holding a folding massage table.
The hell?
I open the door wider. “Are you at the right address?”
His eyes rake me over before he clears his throat and hands me a card that has Jack’s and my address for the apartments written on it. “I um…” He frowns. “I’m sorry this is weird; I’m here to help the winners of the Internship for Emory Hotels?”
“Yeah, um,” I scratch my head and wonder what my hair even looks like. “That’s us, I mean me and my partner Jack, but he’s still sleeping; I guess you can come in… I’m not sure if he’s going to want a massage, though. It was a rough few days for us.”
Connor has his blond hair slicked back. His dimples are on full view, and his black T-shirt is tight around his broad shoulders. I don’t look for a ring; I don’t need that in my life. “Yeah, well, I work for Emory Hotels in Hospitality Services, so it’s kind of my job to make sure you feel… good.”
I almost cringe.
This feels bad.
And wrong.
I don’t like it.
“Okay.” I turn around a bit in a panic, trying to figure out what to do. “I guess put the table over there. I’m assuming you’re the masseuse?”
“Career change.” He smiles warmly, and all I can think about is sixty-nine, perfect. “I wanted something other than corporate. Turns out they like
to make you want to jump off high buildings.”
I snort laugh. “Yeah.”
“So…” He eyes me up and down. “Should I just set up somewhere?”
“Yeah, sure, I mean, move the ottoman in the living room, and I’ll grab Jack real quick.”
Connor flinches a bit.
I’m sure he’s assuming a lot.
Good. Let him.
Because I’ve moved on.
I sprint past him into the master. Jack’s completely passed out, arms over his head, six-pack on full display, barely anything covering his dick, and damn, is he gorgeous.
I stick my tongue out at him while he’s sleeping because how dare he, then I go over and shake him awake. “Hey, we got a surprise massage.”
“No more blow jooobsssssss,” he draws out. “I have nothing left in my body.”
I cover my mouth to keep from laughing too loud. “It’s not the kind with a happy ending, Jack.”
“You gave me so many happy endings and beginnings.”
My heart clenches.
I immediately want Connor to leave.
Deciding that’s exactly what I’ll do, I walk out into the living room and see he’s quickly set up the gray table with nice white sheets and has his oils ready.
A massage sounds good.
But coming from him?
I finally check his left hand.
Okay, well, that’s progress.
“How’s Sandra?.” I ask.
His grin is wide. “Pregnant.”
I actually smile at that. “Good. Congrats.”
We’re both quiet, all the things between us building up into this hurricane of emotion that neither of us want to even attempt to get into.
“So…” I fold my hands in front of me. “Jack’s still sleeping, wouldn’t wake up, not even for a blow job.”
Yup, just said that out loud.
Conor starts choking; his cheeks turn red as he looks away and nods at the massage bed. “Then you can go first.”
“Oh, no, no, no, no, that would be weird, and I’m actually not feeling sore.” It’s a lie. I really want to crawl into an ice bath.
“Get on,” Connor says. “Jack can go next.”
I’m tempted, seriously tempted, but it’s an ex. Is that even normal?
“I’ll be using products that have been put into the baskets in Emory Hotels, so it’s really important, as you know to do proper R&D since, according to my report, you and the rest of the interns were using the products in order to see if they were a good investment.”
Damn it.
“Yes,” I admit. “We used them.”
I think about the kissing. The pheromones.
I smile.
“That good, huh?” he asks.
“It was my job.” I straighten. “You can use the products, I’ll rate them, I’m keeping the briefs on, and no weirdness.”
His smile is crooked. “That’s fair.”
“Good.” I cross my arms.
“Good,” he answers. “I guess I’ll just go into the bathroom while you change?”
I start to sweat as he turns around, clearly knowing his way around the apartments. He goes to the spare and quietly shuts the door while I get on the table face down and try not to hyperventilate. I mean, it’s a winning prize. A stupid massage. So why does it feel weird? Or why does it feel bad?
The door quietly opens. “You ready, Ivy?”
“Yeah,” I choke out. “I think so.” No. This feels wrong.
I start to get up and wrap the sheet around me right when Jack walks out of the master, all sleepy-eyed, and stumbles into the living room. “What the fuck?”
“It’s a prize!” I all but shout. “And I didn’t know it was Connor. You were; first, he works for the company, didn’t know, but I didn’t want to wake you!”
Why am I shouting? Even Connor is wincing.
Jack frowns. “Should I know a Connor?” He’s wearing a pair of low-slung gray Nike sweats that make him look like a god; it’s nearly impossible to look away. “Also, you left bed way too early; gonna spank you later.”
I gape.
Connor gapes.
“What?” Jack shrugs. “This little sex kitten wore me out last night, bro, I’m not even trying to brag, but you’ve never done a sixty-nine until you’ve done one with her.”
I. Want. To. Die.
He knows. How does he know? Did I mention Connor’s name? Did I? Maybe? But even then, there is more than one in this godforsaken world!!!!
“Oh, um…” Connor scratches his head, cheeks red. “G-good for you guys.”
“I mean,” Jack keeps walking toward me, and not gonna lie, you can totally see his dick through his gray sweatpants, and it would put any dick to shame, and now I can’t stop staring, and Connor looks very interested in our curtains. “She’s just… fire. I can’t wait to marry you, baby.”
My mouth drops open.
Jack winks.
I love him.
I truly love him.
I hate him.
But I love him.
“And all those little grandkids we’ll have, you know, after our two point five kids and white picket fence, they’ll know all about how we just hammered our way through our internshipp, each made six figures with a 401k and just lived our lives sending them to private school, vacationing at your favorite places, Turkey, Belize, Hawaii, I can’t wait to go back.”
He’s so laying it on thick.
And while I want to grab his discarded stapler and push it into his head, I also see only him.
Just him.
“We don’t need massages, Bro.” Jack looks over his shoulder. “If anyone gets to massage her, it’s gonna be me. But thanks for coming; I’ll help you get everything put away; I know it’s heavy.”
Oh, damn.
He just insulted Connor’s ability to lift heavy objects.
I could kiss him.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” Connor asks Jack, his arms crossed.
“Yup.” Jack makes his way over to me, presses a heated kiss to my mouth then pulls back. “I’m the guy that noticed.”
“Huh?” Connor asks. “What do you mean?”
“The guy that noticed how perfect she was.” Jack’s eyes go to Connor’s left hand. “Glad you noticed one too. Now, let’s get this broken down so I can show my girl how much I notice, yeah?”
Connor actually laughs, then nods his head. “Did not expect this at eight this morning, yet here I am.” He walks toward Jack and holds out his hand to shake. “Treat her the way she deserves. Be better than her last ex.” He peers around Jack. “He was such a dick.”
“A total dick.” Jack laughs.
“God, this was such a setup, wasn’t it?” Connor asks. “Was this Max again? Why is he so fucking bored?”
“RIGHT?” Jack yells. “I mean torture other people!”
“One day,” Connor sounds haunted. “Actually, no, you don’t deserve that trauma. I hope you guys are happy. And dude…” He looks down at Jack’s dick and shakes his head. “Didn’t know it was possible.”
My turn to peer around Jack. “It is. It was. It will be.”
Connor laughs again. “All right, so my non-work here is done. Good luck with Max. Try not to die.”
“Almost did.” Jack shudders. “Twice.”
“Peace be with you, my friend.” Connor slaps him on the shoulder, and it’s not even weird; it’s like he gets it, and I finally have that weird closure I’ve always needed.
“Be happy,” I say once they fold the massage table back up and he’s on his way out.
He nods and looks between us. “What a Monday.”
“Should have seen us on Sunday.” Jack winks.
“I have a feeling it would have been illegal in most states.” He grabs his stuff, the door shuts, and I just jump onto Jack.
“Whoa, whoa, what’s that for?”
“For wearing gray sweatpants and making his dick feel small, fo
r making my heart feel big, and for loving me even though I want to kill you half the time.”
“Aw…” Jack flicks me in the nose lightly. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Does that mean the stapler gets to come back?”
I kiss him hard on the mouth and then bite down on his lower lip. “Never.”
“Damn it, I had high hopes.”
“High hope this,” I say as I pry myself away, get onto my feet then drop to my knees. “I mean, I do still owe you.”
“I mean, if you have to pay up, I won’t complain.”
I cup his balls.
He nearly kicks me. “I’m sensitive; you were hard on me last night.”
“Hard.” I laugh.
“So. Hard.” He thrusts his cock in my direction, and I take him in my mouth, sucking deep, then pull away. “Whoa, what’s wrong?”
I get up quickly and turn. “Gonna have to chat the girl, Jack.”
“I’ve chased her a long time,” he points out. “And I’ll capture her. Every. Time.”
I don’t run far.
I make it a few feet.
And then I’m on my back, in missionary position, realizing that it can be pretty great with the right person, with my legs up on his shoulders and his eyes locked on mine.
Yeah, it can be pretty great.
This whole Office Date thing.
Just don’t tell Max.
Chapter Eighteen
“You’re a genius, sir.” Dustin creeps up my ass again.
Max swats him away and stares at the kiddos in the boardroom.
They’re in love.
And I’m a friggin’ matchmaker.
It’s confirmed.
He smiles as Dustin holds the folders showing them their starting salary and the apartments they’ll be keeping unless they want to move into one.
“I don’t know how you do it,” Dustin says as he wipes a tear. “I hate you half the time but look at them.”
The interns are holding hands.
His work here is done.
Just another office romance.
All because of him.
“By the way,” Dustin says as he hands Max a report. “The Board of Directors said they really liked the physicality of the temple; maybe next year we should do something like—”